
since 2019
PhD student, Computational Linguistics; Uni Potsdam

Thesis project: “Using neural networks to explore the limits of variablity in conversation”

MSc, Computational Linguistics; LMU Munich

Thesis: “Measuring Domain Similarity Based on Embedding Spaces” (Accepted as long paper at LREC)

BSc, Computational Linguistics; Uni Potsdam

Thesis: “Automatic Quality Estimation for an Industrial Machine Translation Workflow”

Anglistics and Spanish Philology; Uni Potsdam

Here, I soon realized that my interests are more of a general linguistic nature


Research Assistant; LMU Munich

I worked in the research area Representation Learning for Natural Languages within the Munich Center for Machine Learning, which led to my Master Thesis

Machine Translation Team Lead; beo GmbH

My responsibilities included

  • maintenance and improvement of the in-house machine translation workflow
  • integration of MT into the existing translation workflows
  • communication with translators, project managers and the IT department
  • workshops on MT for translators and in-house staff
Student Assistant Machine Translation; euroscript/bmmt/beo

I gained insights into the set-up and use of MT in commercial environments

Student Research Assistant, BabyLab Uni Potsdam

I coordinated appointments and carried out data collection experiments with children for language acquisition studies


Summer 2021
Introduction to Programming with Python (in German, together with Brielen Madureira)

B.Sc, Uni Potsdam

Summer 2020
Formal Languages and Automata (in German)

B.Sc, Uni Potsdam

Winter 2018/19
Teaching Assistant for Deep Learning for NLP

M.Sc, LMU Munich

Summer 2012
Teaching Assistant for Formal Languages and Automata (in German)

B.Sc, Uni Potsdam

Other Interests

  • I’m a language nerd. I took courses (and forgot most of it all too fast again due to a lack of time and practice) in Maori, Spanish and Czech and am living in the illusion of some day reviving that knowledge by spending more time in the respective countries.
  • I have been part of several choirs, currently it’s the Berlin based jazz choir jazzomat (always looking for male vocalists!)
  • I love good food, ideally prepared and consumed with friends (not in the cannibalistic interpretation).