Curriculum vitae
- since 2019
- PhD student, Computational Linguistics; Uni Potsdam
Thesis project: “Using neural networks to explore the limits of variablity in conversation”
- 2017-2020
- MSc, Computational Linguistics; LMU Munich
Thesis: “Measuring Domain Similarity Based on Embedding Spaces” (Accepted as long paper at LREC)
- 2010-2015
- BSc, Computational Linguistics; Uni Potsdam
Thesis: “Automatic Quality Estimation for an Industrial Machine Translation Workflow”
- 2008-2010
- Anglistics and Spanish Philology; Uni Potsdam
Here, I soon realized that my interests are more of a general linguistic nature
- 2018-2019
- Research Assistant; LMU Munich
I worked in the research area Representation Learning for Natural Languages within the Munich Center for Machine Learning, which led to my Master Thesis
- 2015-2018
- Machine Translation Team Lead; beo GmbH
My responsibilities included
- maintenance and improvement of the in-house machine translation workflow
- integration of MT into the existing translation workflows
- communication with translators, project managers and the IT department
- workshops on MT for translators and in-house staff
- 2013-2015
- Student Assistant Machine Translation; euroscript/bmmt/beo
I gained insights into the set-up and use of MT in commercial environments
- 2010-2013
- Student Research Assistant, BabyLab Uni Potsdam
I coordinated appointments and carried out data collection experiments with children for language acquisition studies
- Summer 2021
- Introduction to Programming with Python (in German, together with Brielen Madureira)
B.Sc, Uni Potsdam
- Summer 2020
- Formal Languages and Automata (in German)
B.Sc, Uni Potsdam
- Winter 2018/19
- Teaching Assistant for Deep Learning for NLP
M.Sc, LMU Munich
- Summer 2012
- Teaching Assistant for Formal Languages and Automata (in German)
B.Sc, Uni Potsdam
Other Interests
- I’m a language nerd. I took courses (and forgot most of it all too fast again due to a lack of time and practice) in Maori, Spanish and Czech and am living in the illusion of some day reviving that knowledge by spending more time in the respective countries.
- I have been part of several choirs, currently it’s the Berlin based jazz choir jazzomat (always looking for male vocalists!)
- I love good food, ideally prepared and consumed with friends (not in the cannibalistic interpretation).